Spring has returned, with nature beckoning us to learn from her ways. She is the epitome of patience and uncomplaining movement towards growth – the kind of growth which, in the end, benefits the earth’s environment. Each of us has the potential to progress constructively, by choosing “the middle way.”

Some of us expect too much of ourselves, trying to grow in ways which we’re not capable of, and getting frustrated, feeling defeated, in the process. Others have given up, accepting a life of drudgery with little hope, nipping the bud which encourages us to develop into the unique, wonderful being that lies in waiting.

How does one avoid these two debilitating extremes and move towards positive, REAL, sustaining growth? I just read an article about Hope Therapy, which aims to help people help themselves by working with their strengths. It has been effective in combating mild mood disorders, anxiety, and lack of enthusiasm. The key is to set up concrete, minor, attainable goals which build your confidence in moving towards greater goals. For example, instead of saying I’m going to be healthier (too general) or I’m going to ride my bicycle across the Europe (too grand), start with I’ll take a 20 minute walk 3 days a week, and then build up from there. Patience, realism and enacting – 3 keys to becoming the person you want to be.

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