Going Out and Showing Up – That’s the first step! So simple, and yet how difficult many of us find it to do so. It’s so much more comfortable in the warmth of our homes filled with a host of devices to entertain us – with the end of the day, we feel like our time has been wasted. Or to blame someone else for the problems in the world, refusing to take part in any of the mess which is causing them or our own contribution to them.

Recently, there’s been a lot of news about Ric O’Barry, the dolphin trainer for the world-famous “Flipper,” and main director of the award-winning documentary “The Cove,” about the dolphin slaughter in Taiji, Japan and the plight of the dolphins. While reluctant to take on the role of “chief adversary,” he saw that keeping dolphins captive was a crime and stated “I don’t know how I free these dolphins – but I know that if I didn’t show up, it would never happen. “Living his talk, he’s now been an inspiration to millions of people around the world.

One thing for sure – by staying home and not reaching out to others in nature and human society, nothing will change and our own spirits wither as well. Each of us has a unique ability to have a positive effect, and this capability can often only be found in relation to others. Just like this cherry tree, having the courage to open up even in the cold of February, being the first to shed its beauty on a world weary of the bareness of winter and show the hope of renewed life in the upcoming spring, so all of us can do the same. It begins with the first step!

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