1) 年一度公開の懐徳館庭園
(簡単) (大雨の場合中止) (1000円)


☆集合場所:JR総武線水道橋駅 東口改札


☆コース:水道橋駅 → 東京都水道歴史館 → 右京山(清和公園)→ 懐徳館庭園 → 御徒町駅

☆歩く時間は1時間(約5km)くらいですが、観光の時間があるので 2時間くらいかかります。


☆質問等は件名の頭に[Jambo]と付けて ichi_mariko at yahoo.co.jpまで、atを@に書き換えてどうぞ。こちらからのメールが受信できるように設定をお願いします。



2) 江戸川ゴミ拾い

Tokyo River Friends主催


Gather at Myoden Station: 9:30
Riverside Meetup: 10:00
Return to station: 14:00

Gather at Myoden Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate, and
then go to the Edogawa River and pick up trash along the banks for about
3.5 to 4 hours

If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location behind
Clean Center (incineration plant) and the Clean Spa. First walk to the
Myoden Bridge, cross it, and enter the rierside path on the embankement.
Then head in the direction of Tokyo Bay until you see us along the water
line. Also call James (the organizer) cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there
are any problems finding us.

In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled
as we will move to and from the river by car and we can clean up under
cover the bay front bridges as a Plan B as well as adjacent areas using
rain ware. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon
conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the
same time.

Miki Howenstein

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