大手町から10:39の千代田線(我孫子行き)に乗ると10:59に綾瀬駅につきます (途中でJR常磐線になります)。
コース:綾瀬駅 → 菖蒲沼公園(菖蒲) (ランチ) → 中川公園 → 西水元公園→ 水元公園(菖蒲園) → 金町駅
都内ウォーキング (約10 km) なので、水元公園の菖蒲園には 午後3時頃に到着予定です。最寄りのコンビニで食べ物や飲み物を買って公園でピクニックをしましょう。(午後3時以降)ピクニックだけの参加も可能です。
1) マスク着用およびソーシャルディスタンス
(2) 荒川ゴミ拾い
Gather at Nishi Kasai Station: 14:30
Go to the river: 14:40
River Clean Up: 15:00-18:00
Return to station: 18:30
RIVER CLEAN UP Gather at Nishi Kasai Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at 14:30, and then go to the Arakawa River and pick up trash along the banks for about about 3 hours.
ADDITIONAL INFO: If you come late, it will be about a 25 min. walk to our location near the Kasaibashi Bridge. Call James’ (the organizer) cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us.
RAIN: In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled. Please bring rain gear and we will take shelter (under a bridge) until any downpours let up. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled (and usually moved to a different day).
Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.