1) 南高尾山陵ハイキング & 八王子いちょう祭り

集合場所と時間:京王線高尾山口駅改札口 9:00 am

電車:北野駅発 8:43 (京王線 高尾山口行き) ⇒ 高尾山口駅着8:57

コース:高尾山口駅 →  西山峠 → 泰光寺山 → 榎窪山 →(城山湖の眺望) 草戸山 → 八王子いちょう祭り→ 高尾駅  (歩く時間は約5時間)




2) 江戸川ゴミ拾い
Tokyo River Friends 主催

Gather at Myoden Station: 13:00
River Clean Up: 13:30
Relaxing riverside: 17:00
Return to station: 17:30

Gather at Myoden Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at 13:00, and then go to the Edogawa River and pick up trash along the banks for about about 3.5 to 4 hours.

If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location on the opposite side of the river from the Clean Spa under the bay front bridges. Just walk to the river from the station and the head to the orange bridge. Also call James’ (the organizer) cell phone 090-1847 5075 if there are any problems finding us.

In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled as we will move to and from the river by car and we can clean up under cover the bay front bridges as a Plan B as well as adjacent areas using rain ware. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon conditions) or lightning then the event will be cancelled.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.

Miki Howenstein

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