
1) 環境作業 〜地球の友・里山再生プロジェクト〜



集合場所と時間:宇津木台バス停10:04 am
バス:中央線日野駅 9:46発(八王子駅 9:34 発宇津木台行)⇒ 宇津木台10:04着


2) 荒川ゴミ拾い


2) Arakawa River Clean Up

(Message from James)

Pardon the frequent messages but another change with tomorrow’s schedule.

Due to a rain forecast in the late afternoon (while the morning looks to be clear) as well as low tide in the morning, I am changing tomorrow’s Arakawa River Clean Up event at Funabori to 9:00a.m. meetup at the station and 9:30a.m. meet up riverside. As long as the weather is not too bad, I’ll probably be there until evening, so participants can come later too.

I recommend bringing a bento for a riverside lunch at 1:00pm or we can send someone to buy bentos by bicycle as well.

If you need to communicate with me on the day of the event please use e-mail or call my cell phone 090-1847-5075. I’ve been having trouble with too many messaging systems and not being able to keep up with them all in a timely manner.

Event: Arakawa River Clean Up (FUNABORI)
Date: July 11 (Sun.)
Time: 9:00 to 13:00
Station: Funabori (Shinjuku Line)
Details: We will meet outside the only ticket gate of Funabori station at 9:00 and go to the river and pick up trash along the banks for about 3 to 3.5 hours. If you come late, it will be about a 25-min. walk to our location between the Shinjuku train line bridge and the power/communication line tower. Also call my cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us. This event will not be cancelled in the case of rain (unless heavy winds or lightning).



Miki Howenstein

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