1) 世界遺産富士山に登ろう!7/20~7/21(土~日)


≪雨天中止≫(参加費1000円、スナックバー, チョコレート, バナナ等の軽食 水2L等の飲み物各自持参)

集合: 河口湖駅 14:20

新宿発JR中央線青梅特快青梅行 (11:22) ー 立川着 (11:45) 乗換

JR中央線高尾行立川発(11:47)ー 高尾着(12:05) 乗換

JR中央本線大月行高尾発(12:18)ー 大月着 (12:54) 乗換

私鉄富士急行線河口湖行大月発 (13:13) ー 河口湖駅着(14:16)


河口湖駅から富士山5合目までは登山バス(河口湖発15:00) を使います。




コース:富士吉田ルート ー 山頂 久須志神社 ー 須走5合目(下山は須走ルートです)

登り時間は 7~8時間位

下り時間は 4~5時間位を予定


ハイキングの担当者: ワイ (09091513313) waiinjp@gmail.com

* トレッキングシューズ、防寒着、完全防水の雨具、ヘッドライト、手袋、トレッキングポール、サングラス、砂避け、帽子などの登山準備をしてきてください。

重要: 私達は、御来光(日の出)を頂上で見るため、夜中に登ります。それは通常の富士登山より難しく、体力、気力ともに必要とされます。どうか十分な準備とトレーニングをしてきてください。


2) 江戸川ゴミ拾い・ピックニック

This will be a 3-part event centered around a riverside picnic at 1:00pm. Participants can attend one or both sessions and or just the picnic. There will be 3 pick up times at Barakinakayama Station

Part 1: River Clean Up 9:00a.m.-12:30p.m. (morning session)
Riverside Picnic: 1:00p.m.-2:30p.m.
Part 2 River Clean Up 3:00pm-6:30p.m. (afternoon session)

Gather at BARAKINAKAYAMA Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at 9:00a.m., and then go to te Edogawa River by car and pick up trash along the banks for about 2.5 to 3 hours.

Gather at BARAKINAKAYAMA Station at 12:45p.m. and go to the river by car for a 1:00p.m. picnic start. Picnic will basically include bentos with desert (fruit/sweets), soft drinks and beer/wine. Y1,000/Y1,500 for participants without alcohol / with alcohol, respectively. Afterwards we can throw frisbees and balls around, and there is a swimming pool and spa with rotemburo only 2-3min. away on foot for those interested in finishing their day with a swim (bring swim ware and cap, Y500 admission to pool + Y600 if entering sento/rotemburo area)

Gather at BARAKINAKAYAMA Station (Tozai Line) outside the only ticket gate at 2:45p.m.., and then go to te Edogawa River by car and pick up trash along the banks for about 2.5 to 3 hours.

If you come late, it will be about a 25-min walk to our location behind the Ichikawa Clean Spa, or take one of the Clean Spa shuttle buses to our location. Also call my cell phone 090-1847-5075 if there are any problems finding us. There are restrooms in the Clean Spa (Y200 admission to the facility) at the tennis courts next to the Clean Spa (no charge)

In the event of light or medium rain this event will NOT be cancelled as we will move to and from the river by car and we can clean up under cover the bay front bridges as a Plan B as well as adjacent areas using rain ware. In the event of heavy rain/strong winds (e.g., typhoon conditions) then the event will be cancelled.

Let’s have fun enjoying our local nature while making it better at the same time.


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