
What do we do?

Hiking – Generally, hiking events are day trips in the Kanto Plain. The meeting time and place are given on the schedule and reservations are not required. The 1000 yen participation fee goes to the charity of that month. Hikes range are easy (relatively flat, usually in or near the city, and around 3 hours of walking time), intermediate (4 hours walking without a lot of steep grades), and “a bit difficult” (5 hours walking with many steep grade areas).

Environmental Improvement – JAMBO carries out river and ocean clean-ups and is the sole funder for a prototype eco-house in the Kawaguchi Lake area. We also sign on to other groups projects which focus on making walking paths, cutting down undesirable trees and planting a variety of native species. See the Links page for a list of groups JAMBO participates in.

Personal Fulfillment – With the awareness that each individual is responsible for his or her own path to personal fulfillment, JAMBO espouses no specific creed or method. However, with the belief that personal fulfillment involves movement towards integrity within ourselves – mind, body, and emotions – and a connectivity with other people and the natural environment, JAMBO provides opportunities and contacts do move in this direction, as follows:

  • Activities in nature for physical fitness and to relax the mind and spirit
  • Links to various groups in Japan and abroad which provide opportunities to open your heart to others through sharing yourself (either by giving financially or volunteering)

How do we do it?

Through a combination of self-initiated projects and linking up with various groups, JAMBO is able to carry out mutually beneficial activities for its members as well as for other do-good organizations.

What can I do?

  • Join JAMBO Activities
  • Donate (See the Donations Page)
  • Organize and lead an activity (hike, picnic, charity, your ideas are welcome) .

How do I become a member?

There is no membership fee or official membership in JAMBO. Simply by participating, you’re considered a member. Openness to all is one of JAMBO’s key tenets.

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